Recommended rural houses in Almonte (El Rocío)


Actividades, Turismo y Aventura


Almonte (El Rocío) (Huelva) España


Actividades, Turismo y Aventura


Almonte (El Rocío) (Huelva) España

General Information:

Doñana, El Rocio, and the beaches Matalascañas the most famous are the three prime elements of this vast municipality which cover more than 850 square kilometeres and which therefore calls for a few recommendations to make the most of your visit.
Not to be missed in the center of Almonte itself are the 16th century Baroque Town Hall, once a convent, and just a stone´s throw away the Mudejar Church of Nuestra Señora de la Asunción (15th-century), which was rebuilt after the Lisbon earthquake and is visited every seven years by Our Lady of El Rocío.
The Shrine of El Santo Cristo (15th-century) and The Centro Cultural de la Villa housed in the old oil mill known as the Molino de Cepeda. The Centro Cultural de la Villa, a recreation of the defunct 15th century Chapel of Santiago, and the CIECEMA (the Spanish acronym for International Centre for Ecological and Environmental Studies and Conventions), located in a converted winery, are another excuse to continue your tour through the town and admire the sculptures dotted here and there that recall different moments in its history. The most interesting are the Monument to Our Lady of El Rocío, also known as the Bendita Aparición or Blessed Apparition, the Monument to Almonte´s Grandmothers, a mark of the people´s respect, humanity and consideration, and a wonderful bronze dedicated to the Hero of Baler, but there are a whole host of other sculptures to admire along the way.
As for the local festivities, although the Romeria de El Rocio at Pentecost is by far the most important one associated with the town of Almonte, there are several less famous but equally picturesque fiestas: the Feria de San Pedro at the beginning of July, which commences with the Saca de Yeguas, when the mares of the marshlands are led in procession with their young to Doñana, and continues whith the Tuza or cutting of their manes, and the Rocío Chico, in August, which every seven years coincides whith Our Lady of El Rocío´s journey to Almonte.


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